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After several weeks of not being able to paint due to shoulder surgery, I’m getting anxious to get the brushes back in my hands. The good news is I have been cleared to begin using it again. I’m going to have to work back up to longer sessions but is a pleasure to get the paint flowing again.

I spent time in my easy chair updating the web site with more current paintings. I plan to blog every other week through the fall.

I am looking forward to doing the farmers markets in Saranac Lane and Keene valley this coming weekend. On the Columbus Day weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving) I will be doing a 2 day event at Gore Mountain . I will also be returning to the Workbench Collective one day a week to volunteer, it’s a great artists collective.

I was able to reframe a couple of paintings with driftwood frames over the weekend., as well as make a couple of racks for selling my boxed cards on the market.