Summer has started and it’s been a good season so far. Missed a couple of markets due to storms. Heavy rain and paper doesn’t mix well.
I plan to be at several different markets over July and August.
Elizabethtown Market on Fridays July 12, 19 and 26th. August 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30th.
Keene Valley Market on Sundays July 14 and 21st. August 4, 11 and 18th.
Saranac’s Lake Market Saturdays July 13th. August 17,24 and 31st.
Strand Artisan Market Saturdays July 20th and August 10th.
Schroon Lake summer Market Saturday July 27th.
Essex days Market in Essex Ny on Saturday August 3rd.
Peru Town Market Sundays July 28th and August 25th.

I have been busy painting daily to have a variety of new paintings for each market.