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2025 Begins

Starting a new year after a very successful 2024. I’m spending the first couple of months playing and experimenting with new techniques, materials and mediums.

I’m really looking forward to my new work space in my garage, first time in many years i can use my welder for my metal sculptures. Its a new spaces to work in with all the excitement of filling it out with all the tools and materials from my basement. I will keep a small work space in the basement but all the messy stuff is headed for the garage.

I splurged and purchased a 3D printer to play with. Since its not about printing other peoples designs but developing my own, I have embarked on the learning cure to use Fusion 360 cad software. My goal is to design and develop new art. For the first time in 6 years I’m not painting every day, but I’m still creating. I have had the itch to pick up a paintbrush a several times but get squirreled with all the neat toys in my workspace.

You may or may not notice that i have completely reworked my web site, updating the gallery to ensure that what is shown is available. the hectic pace of the end of the year tends to make many of the items already sold. Its something I struggle to keep up to date.

This is the time of year that is apply to the various art shows and framers markets. I have applied to one new juried show in Glens Falls in June, hoping I get to participate.

2 thoughts on “2025 Begins”

  1. I bought some of your beautiful wildlife cards this summer and just took an old window, painted it and added some decorations. I would like to get some more of your prints. Also, if I was to do similar projects like the window , to sell , is that permissible? I’m going to try and send u a pic!

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