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Missing the Markets – Revised

This past Saturday the Winter Market in Westport NY, was canceled for anyone not selling produce, it would have been my second event of the year.

This coming weekend, I was scheduled to attend my first outdoor art market at the Hudson Valley Maple Sugar Festival. I would have had my own booth outside. Yes it could be cold, but it would have been exciting as well. I bought a new Easy-Up with walls and build a way to hang my art. This delay will give me time to do more testing and experimenting on how to show my work without being a major paint to set up.

It is kind of early to figure out when I will be able start showing my work since in New York State we are locked down until the middle of May at least. Living in the Adirondacks it is about as far away from the City as you can get, and still be in New York State, but we need to have the visitors to make it work.

Unfortunately I just was informed that the first date for the Essex arts and Craft festival on July 5 has been canceled.

This leaves me with only 1 confirmed date where I will be showing my art. This will be a return to the Essex County Arts and Crafts Festival in Westport NY. The art fair will be held on August 3rd, I have been trying to find other events to have a booth to show my art.

Once I know more about new events I will add it to may calendar.

Stay Safe ….